a b o u t
o n l i n e s t o r e
c o n t a c t
> shopping guide
suzuki takayuki / weather-cloth shirt / A251-03
suzuki takayuki /over blouse A251-16
suzuki takayuki /peasant dress Ⅰ / A251-22
suzuki takayuki / fuzzy blouson / A252-04
humoresque / relax pullover / MA2201a
garment reproduction of workers / NEW DOUBLE COAT
garment reproduction of workers / CEZANNE ATELIE COAT
kaval / long shirt onepiece / W233-0904
kaval / long shirt onepiece / W233-0909
kaval / fish tail long coat (U231-0304)
garment reproduction of workers / NETOREEL
suzuki takayuki /peasant dress Ⅱ / A241-21
GASA / 道案内の枯れ木 エプロンスカート
GASA / Gemini (双子座)
humoresque / long gather skirt KSS2301
humoresque / gather skirt LS2303
humoresque / volume skirt LS2301
humoresque / relax dress MA2101
GASA / いつの日か ギャザーワイドパンツ
GASA / Taurus (牡牛座)
garment reproduction of workers / ARIAROTH
Tabrik /robe mustard
humoresque / crewneck blouse silk black / GAT2201
humoresque / crewneck blouse silk white/ GAT2201